POST api/Clients
Creates a new client with the given arguments required in .
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
The create client request.
CreateNewClientRequestName | Description | Type | Additional information |
FirstName |
The first name of the client. |
string |
None. |
LastName |
The last name of the client. |
string |
None. |
BirthDate |
The birth date of the client. |
date |
None. |
The email of the client. |
string |
None. |
PhoneNumber |
The phone number of the client |
string |
None. |
Address |
The address of the client |
Location |
None. |
Title |
The title of the client |
string |
None. |
Gender |
The gender of the client |
string |
None. |
ServiceTypeId |
The ID of the service type to assign to the new client |
integer |
None. |
ServiceTypeIds |
The list of service types assigned to the new client |
Collection of integer |
None. |
Request Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "firstName": "sample string 1", "lastName": "sample string 2", "birthDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2739561-07:00", "email": "sample string 3", "phoneNumber": "sample string 4", "address": { "id": 1, "description": "sample string 1", "category": "sample string 2", "categoryId": "sample string 3", "name": "sample string 4", "latitude": 1.1, "longitude": 1.1, "streetNumber": "sample string 5", "onStreet": "sample string 6", "atStreet": "sample string 7", "city": "sample string 8", "state": "sample string 9", "postalCode": "sample string 10", "itemType": 0, "internalType": 0, "unit": "sample string 11", "comments": "sample string 12", "isGeocoded": true, "contact": { "id": 1, "referenceId": "sample string 2", "contactType": "sample string 3", "firstName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "comments": "sample string 6", "details": [ { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true }, { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true } ] }, "country": "sample string 14", "stopCode": "sample string 15", "procedureModifier": "sample string 16", "timeZoneId": "sample string 17" }, "title": "sample string 5", "gender": "sample string 6", "serviceTypeId": 1, "serviceTypeIds": [ 1, 2 ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<CreateNewClientRequest xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <Address> <AtStreet>sample string 7</AtStreet> <Category>sample string 2</Category> <CategoryId>sample string 3</CategoryId> <City>sample string 8</City> <Comments>sample string 12</Comments> <Contact> <Comments>sample string 6</Comments> <ContactType>sample string 3</ContactType> <Details> <ContactDetail> <ContactString>sample string 2</ContactString> <ID>1</ID> <IsPreferred>true</IsPreferred> <Type> <Code>sample string 1</Code> <Name>sample string 2</Name> <Type>Phone</Type> </Type> </ContactDetail> <ContactDetail> <ContactString>sample string 2</ContactString> <ID>1</ID> <IsPreferred>true</IsPreferred> <Type> <Code>sample string 1</Code> <Name>sample string 2</Name> <Type>Phone</Type> </Type> </ContactDetail> </Details> <FirstName>sample string 4</FirstName> <ID>1</ID> <LastName>sample string 5</LastName> <ReferenceId>sample string 2</ReferenceId> </Contact> <Country>sample string 14</Country> <Description>sample string 1</Description> <ID>1</ID> <InternalType>Location</InternalType> <IsGeocoded>true</IsGeocoded> <ItemType>Location</ItemType> <Latitude>1.1</Latitude> <Longitude>1.1</Longitude> <Name>sample string 4</Name> <OnStreet>sample string 6</OnStreet> <PostalCode>sample string 10</PostalCode> <ProcedureModifier>sample string 16</ProcedureModifier> <State>sample string 9</State> <StopCode>sample string 15</StopCode> <StreetNumber>sample string 5</StreetNumber> <TimeZoneId>sample string 17</TimeZoneId> <Unit>sample string 11</Unit> </Address> <BirthDate>2024-12-23T12:34:32.2739561-07:00</BirthDate> <Email>sample string 3</Email> <FirstName>sample string 1</FirstName> <Gender>sample string 6</Gender> <LastName>sample string 2</LastName> <PhoneNumber>sample string 4</PhoneNumber> <ServiceTypeId>1</ServiceTypeId> <ServiceTypeIds xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:int>1</d2p1:int> <d2p1:int>2</d2p1:int> </ServiceTypeIds> <Title>sample string 5</Title> </CreateNewClientRequest>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Resource Description
The client resource belonging to the newly created client.
ClientName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Href |
Url for accessing this client object over web. |
string |
None. |
Id |
Gets or sets the client's internal ID in the paratransit application's database. |
integer |
None. |
ClientCode |
Gets or sets the passenger's Client Code in the paratransit application's database. This should only be used as an alternate login ID. |
string |
None. |
FirstName |
Gets or sets the client's first name. |
string |
None. |
LastName |
Gets or sets the client's last name. |
string |
None. |
BirthDate |
Gets or sets the client's date of birth. |
date |
None. |
Title |
Gets or sets client's title. |
string |
None. |
Gender |
Gets or sets whether the client is male or female (or unknown). |
Gender |
None. |
GenderString |
Gets or sets the the client's gender. |
string |
None. |
IdentificationNumber |
Gets or sets the client's identification number. |
string |
None. |
SpaceTypeCode |
Gets or sets the code of the client's default space type. |
string |
None. |
MobilityAidCodes |
Gets or sets the client's default list of mobility aids. |
Collection of string |
None. |
AdditionalPassenger |
Gets or sets the client's default additional passenger, if any. |
ClientDefaultPassenger |
None. |
Addresses |
Gets or sets a list of the client's registered addresses. |
Collection of RegisteredAddress |
None. |
IsActive |
Gets or sets whether the client is currently active. |
boolean |
None. |
Statuses |
Gets or sets the client's details about the client's historical eligibility status. |
Collection of ClientStatus |
None. |
FundingPrograms |
Gets or sets the list of funding sources that can help pay for the client's trips. |
Collection of ClientFundingProgram |
None. |
Services |
Gets or sets specific service type configuration for this client. |
Collection of ClientService |
None. |
PreferredLanguage |
Gets or sets the client's preferred language code. May be null if not set. |
string |
None. |
Notifications |
Gets or sets the list of notifications that this client would like to receive. Only applicable if IVR is enabled. |
Collection of NotificationType |
None. |
PrivateComments |
Gets or sets the client's private comments. |
string |
None. |
SchedulingComments |
Gets or sets the client's scheduling comments. |
string |
None. |
BookingComments |
Gets or sets the client's booking comments. |
string |
None. |
UserDefinedFields |
Gets or sets the list of user-defined field values. |
Dictionary of string [key] and Object [value] |
None. |
Agencies |
Gets or sets agencies client is associated to |
Collection of ClientOrgUnit |
None. |
PreferredProvider |
Gets or sets preferred provider for the client |
Provider |
None. |
PrepaidPaymentOption |
Gets or sets client's prepayment options value |
PrepaidPaymentOption |
None. |
Contacts |
Gets or sets the list of client's contacts. |
Collection of Contact |
None. |
IVRCallbackClient |
Gets or sets whether the client should be notified about trips |
boolean |
None. |
WebDisabled |
Gets or sets whether the client has the web disabled setting enabled |
boolean |
None. |
TicketBalance |
Gets or sets the client's ticket balance |
Collection of Ticket |
None. |
Attachments |
Gets or sets the list of attachments in client profile |
Collection of Attachment |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "attachments": [ { "fileId": 1, "name": "sample string 2", "fileType": "sample string 3", "fileSize": 1, "fileData": "sample string 4", "description": "sample string 5", "fileMark": 0 }, { "fileId": 1, "name": "sample string 2", "fileType": "sample string 3", "fileSize": 1, "fileData": "sample string 4", "description": "sample string 5", "fileMark": 0 } ], "href": "sample string 1", "id": 2, "clientCode": "sample string 3", "firstName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "birthDate": "2024-12-23", "title": "sample string 6", "gender": 0, "genderString": "sample string 7", "identificationNumber": "sample string 8", "spaceTypeCode": "sample string 9", "mobilityAidCodes": [ "sample string 1", "sample string 2" ], "additionalPassenger": { "passengerTypeCode": "sample string 1", "spaceTypeCode": "sample string 2", "required": true, "isNotAllowedEscorts": true, "fundingProgramIds": [ 1, 2 ] }, "addresses": [ { "addressTypeCode": "sample string 1", "dates": null, "locationID": 1, "id": 1, "description": "sample string 2", "category": "sample string 3", "categoryId": "sample string 4", "name": "sample string 5", "latitude": 1.1, "longitude": 1.1, "streetNumber": "sample string 6", "onStreet": "sample string 7", "atStreet": "sample string 8", "city": "sample string 9", "state": "sample string 10", "postalCode": "sample string 11", "itemType": 0, "internalType": 0, "unit": "sample string 12", "comments": "sample string 13", "isGeocoded": true, "contact": { "id": 1, "referenceId": "sample string 2", "contactType": "sample string 3", "firstName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "comments": "sample string 6", "details": [ { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true }, { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true } ] }, "country": "sample string 15", "stopCode": "sample string 16", "procedureModifier": "sample string 17", "timeZoneId": "sample string 18" }, { "addressTypeCode": "sample string 1", "dates": null, "locationID": 1, "id": 1, "description": "sample string 2", "category": "sample string 3", "categoryId": "sample string 4", "name": "sample string 5", "latitude": 1.1, "longitude": 1.1, "streetNumber": "sample string 6", "onStreet": "sample string 7", "atStreet": "sample string 8", "city": "sample string 9", "state": "sample string 10", "postalCode": "sample string 11", "itemType": 0, "internalType": 0, "unit": "sample string 12", "comments": "sample string 13", "isGeocoded": true, "contact": { "id": 1, "referenceId": "sample string 2", "contactType": "sample string 3", "firstName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "comments": "sample string 6", "details": [ { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true }, { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true } ] }, "country": "sample string 15", "stopCode": "sample string 16", "procedureModifier": "sample string 17", "timeZoneId": "sample string 18" } ], "isActive": true, "statuses": [ { "fromDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "toDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "isActive": true, "status": "sample string 3", "comments": "sample string 4" }, { "fromDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "toDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "isActive": true, "status": "sample string 3", "comments": "sample string 4" } ], "fundingPrograms": [ { "sequence": 1, "isDefault": true, "isDedicated": true, "isPrepaid": true, "id": 4, "name": "sample string 5", "fundingSourceId": 6, "description": "sample string 7", "validDates": [ { "fromDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "toDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00" }, { "fromDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "toDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00" } ] }, { "sequence": 1, "isDefault": true, "isDedicated": true, "isPrepaid": true, "id": 4, "name": "sample string 5", "fundingSourceId": 6, "description": "sample string 7", "validDates": [ { "fromDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "toDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00" }, { "fromDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00", "toDate": "2024-12-23T12:34:32.2869501-07:00" } ] } ], "services": [ { "serviceTypeId": 1, "validDates": [ { "fromDate": "2024-12-23", "toDate": "2024-12-23" }, { "fromDate": "2024-12-23", "toDate": "2024-12-23" } ], "isDefault": true }, { "serviceTypeId": 1, "validDates": [ { "fromDate": "2024-12-23", "toDate": "2024-12-23" }, { "fromDate": "2024-12-23", "toDate": "2024-12-23" } ], "isDefault": true } ], "preferredLanguage": "sample string 11", "notifications": [ { "typeCode": "sample string 1", "typeName": "sample string 2", "method": 0, "enabled": true }, { "typeCode": "sample string 1", "typeName": "sample string 2", "method": 0, "enabled": true } ], "privateComments": "sample string 12", "schedulingComments": "sample string 13", "bookingComments": "sample string 14", "userDefinedFields": { "sample string 1": {}, "sample string 3": {} }, "agencies": [ { "clientId": 1, "organizationId": 2 }, { "clientId": 1, "organizationId": 2 } ], "preferredProvider": { "id": 1, "name": "sample string 2", "description": "sample string 3", "activeDates": [ { "fromDate": "2024-12-23", "toDate": "2024-12-23" }, { "fromDate": "2024-12-23", "toDate": "2024-12-23" } ] }, "prepaidPaymentOption": 1, "contacts": [ { "id": 1, "referenceId": "sample string 2", "contactType": "sample string 3", "firstName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "comments": "sample string 6", "details": [ { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true }, { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true } ] }, { "id": 1, "referenceId": "sample string 2", "contactType": "sample string 3", "firstName": "sample string 4", "lastName": "sample string 5", "comments": "sample string 6", "details": [ { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true }, { "id": 1, "contactString": "sample string 2", "type": { "code": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2", "type": 0 }, "isPreferred": true } ] } ], "ivrCallbackClient": true, "webDisabled": true, "ticketBalance": [ { "paymentTypeId": "sample string 1", "quantity": 2, "description": "sample string 3" }, { "paymentTypeId": "sample string 1", "quantity": 2, "description": "sample string 3" } ] }
Sample not available.
Sample not available.