GET api/Features
Gets which features are available
Request Information
URI Parameters
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
The available features.
ParaFeaturesName | Description | Type | Additional information |
ParaFeatureMessages |
The messages associated with the ParaFeatures |
Collection of ParaFeatureMessage |
None. |
AvailableFeatures |
The list of available features. |
Collection of ParaFeature |
None. |
BookToBusStop |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports booking trips with a bus stop as the origin or destination |
boolean |
None. |
BookToLocation |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports booking trips with a location (such as a hospital or a store) as the origin or destination |
boolean |
None. |
BookToStreetAddress |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports booking trips to arbitrary street addresses |
boolean |
None. |
SetWebPassword |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports supports setting web passwords for users |
boolean |
None. |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports integration with an IVR system such as Ripple or PASS-IVR. |
boolean |
None. |
IVRIntegratedConnection |
Gets or sets whether paratransit app has the connection details of the IVR system, and can speak directly to it. |
boolean |
None. |
IVRContactInfo |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports integration with an IVR system with extended service methods to provide information about the client's contact information. |
boolean |
None. |
BookPendingRecurringTrips |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports booking recurring trips with the pending status. |
boolean |
None. |
PrePaidFaring |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports pre-paying for fares and purchaing passes. |
boolean |
None. |
UnBookedTripFare |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports showing fares for un-booked trips. |
boolean |
None. |
ShowTripFares |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports showing fares for booked trips. |
boolean |
None. |
CreateTrip_ChangeAddressUnitNumber |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports overriding the origin and destination unit numbers when booking a trip. If not supported, then unit numbers can only be set on Google Addresses. |
boolean |
None. |
UserDefinedFields |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports user defined fields. |
boolean |
None. |
CreateTrip_UserDefinedFields |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports specifying user defined fields while booking a new trip. |
boolean |
None. |
PatchTrip_UserDefinedFields |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports updating user defined fields on existing trips. |
boolean |
None. |
WillCallSubtypes |
Gets or sets whether willcall subtypes are supported. |
boolean |
None. |
WillCallsDontRequireTimes |
Gets or sets whether will calls need to be stamped with a time internally in order to work (older versions of PASS) |
boolean |
None. |
ClientCreation |
Gets or sets whether the paratranist app supports creating new clients |
boolean |
None. |
AddLocations |
Gets or sets whether the paratranist app supports adding new locations |
boolean |
None. |
IVRCallBackNumber |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports IVR Callback Number |
boolean |
None. |
AppointmentTime |
If a default additional passenger is defined on the client's profile and it is not required, it will be added to any trips the client creates by default. |
boolean |
None. |
ApplyOptionalEscort |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports drop off time adjustment |
boolean |
None. |
PolygonImport |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports polygon import. |
boolean |
None. |
Feedback |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports feedback |
boolean |
None. |
ClientServiceLimits |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports client service limits. |
boolean |
None. |
ClientAttachments |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports attachments in client's profile |
boolean |
None. |
FeedbackCategory |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports feedback category field |
boolean |
None. |
DelegateAgencyManagement |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app suppots CMO Delegate Type |
boolean |
None. |
EditBooking |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports edit booking. |
boolean |
None. |
BulkTripCancellation |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports bulk trips cancellation. |
boolean |
None. |
Client_UserDefinedFields |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports reading and editing user defined fields. |
boolean |
None. |
EditSubscriptionTrips |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports subscription trips editing. |
boolean |
None. |
TopUpFunds |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports adding funds. |
boolean |
None. |
CreateTrip_ChangeAddressPhoneNumber |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports overriding the phone number for any address type when booking a trip. |
boolean |
None. |
UnregisteredClients |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports creating unregistered clients. |
boolean |
None. |
CreateTrip_CanDisableLinkTripsByItinerary |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports enable/disable the trips linking by itinerary Id. |
boolean |
None. |
SoftDeleteClient |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports soft delete for clients |
boolean |
None. |
ManageClientContacts |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports creating, deleting and updating contacts for clients |
boolean |
None. |
CancellationNotes |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports adding trip cancellation notes while cancelling a trip. |
boolean |
None. |
ManageBookingNotes |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports adding, retrieving, deleting and updating booking notes. |
boolean |
None. |
GetCurrentUserSecurityGroups |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports retrieving user groups to which the current authenticated user belongs to. |
boolean |
None. |
ClientAccessDisable |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports disabling specifc Passenger Portal access |
boolean |
None. |
PrepaidTickets |
Gets or sets whether the paratransit app supports displaying transport unit transaction history |
boolean |
None. |
TimeZones |
The paratransit app supports the Time Zones and the feature is enabled. |
boolean |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "paraFeatureMessages": null, "availableFeatures": [ 0, 0 ], "bookToBusStop": true, "bookToLocation": true, "bookToStreetAddress": true, "setWebPassword": true, "ivr": true, "ivrIntegratedConnection": true, "ivrContactInfo": true, "bookPendingRecurringTrips": true, "prePaidFaring": true, "unBookedTripFare": true, "showTripFares": true, "createTrip_ChangeAddressUnitNumber": true, "userDefinedFields": true, "createTrip_UserDefinedFields": true, "patchTrip_UserDefinedFields": true, "willCallSubtypes": true, "willCallsDontRequireTimes": true, "clientCreation": true, "addLocations": true, "ivrCallBackNumber": true, "appointmentTime": true, "applyOptionalEscort": true, "polygonImport": true, "feedback": true, "clientServiceLimits": true, "clientAttachments": true, "feedbackCategory": true, "delegateAgencyManagement": true, "editBooking": true, "bulkTripCancellation": true, "client_UserDefinedFields": true, "editSubscriptionTrips": true, "topUpFunds": true, "createTrip_ChangeAddressPhoneNumber": true, "unregisteredClients": true, "createTrip_CanDisableLinkTripsByItinerary": true, "softDeleteClient": true, "manageClientContacts": true, "cancellationNotes": true, "manageBookingNotes": true, "getCurrentUserSecurityGroups": true, "clientAccessDisable": true, "prepaidTickets": true, "timeZones": true }
application/xml, text/xml
<ParaFeatures xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <AddLocations>true</AddLocations> <ApplyOptionalEscort>true</ApplyOptionalEscort> <AppointmentTime>true</AppointmentTime> <AvailableFeatures> <ParaFeature>BookToBusStop</ParaFeature> <ParaFeature>BookToBusStop</ParaFeature> </AvailableFeatures> <BookPendingRecurringTrips>true</BookPendingRecurringTrips> <BookToBusStop>true</BookToBusStop> <BookToLocation>true</BookToLocation> <BookToStreetAddress>true</BookToStreetAddress> <BulkTripCancellation>true</BulkTripCancellation> <CancellationNotes>true</CancellationNotes> <ClientAccessDisable>true</ClientAccessDisable> <ClientAttachments>true</ClientAttachments> <ClientCreation>true</ClientCreation> <ClientServiceLimits>true</ClientServiceLimits> <Client_UserDefinedFields>true</Client_UserDefinedFields> <CreateTrip_CanDisableLinkTripsByItinerary>true</CreateTrip_CanDisableLinkTripsByItinerary> <CreateTrip_ChangeAddressPhoneNumber>true</CreateTrip_ChangeAddressPhoneNumber> <CreateTrip_ChangeAddressUnitNumber>true</CreateTrip_ChangeAddressUnitNumber> <CreateTrip_UserDefinedFields>true</CreateTrip_UserDefinedFields> <DelegateAgencyManagement>true</DelegateAgencyManagement> <EditBooking>true</EditBooking> <EditSubscriptionTrips>true</EditSubscriptionTrips> <Feedback>true</Feedback> <FeedbackCategory>true</FeedbackCategory> <GetCurrentUserSecurityGroups>true</GetCurrentUserSecurityGroups> <IVR>true</IVR> <IVRCallBackNumber>true</IVRCallBackNumber> <IVRContactInfo>true</IVRContactInfo> <IVRIntegratedConnection>true</IVRIntegratedConnection> <ManageBookingNotes>true</ManageBookingNotes> <ManageClientContacts>true</ManageClientContacts> <ParaFeatureMessages i:nil="true" /> <PatchTrip_UserDefinedFields>true</PatchTrip_UserDefinedFields> <PolygonImport>true</PolygonImport> <PrePaidFaring>true</PrePaidFaring> <PrepaidTickets>true</PrepaidTickets> <SetWebPassword>true</SetWebPassword> <ShowTripFares>true</ShowTripFares> <SoftDeleteClient>true</SoftDeleteClient> <TimeZones>true</TimeZones> <TopUpFunds>true</TopUpFunds> <UnBookedTripFare>true</UnBookedTripFare> <UnregisteredClients>true</UnregisteredClients> <UserDefinedFields>true</UserDefinedFields> <WillCallSubtypes>true</WillCallSubtypes> <WillCallsDontRequireTimes>true</WillCallsDontRequireTimes> </ParaFeatures>